An easy way to accurately measure castor at home.
Whether you are measuring your castor for new radius arms after fitting a lift kit or fitting a gu diff with a custom suspension setup this will be sure to help accurately set it where you want it.
The kit includes one stainless measuring plate and two nut plates for bolting to the knuckle.
Castor can be measured in a few easy steps-
1- The plate bolts to the caliper mounting points on the knuckle.
2- Using a digital angle finder on the bottom of the chassis to get your zero point
3- Sit the angle finder on the edge of the plate with the arrow, and take your measurement (remembering we are measuring from 90 degrees around so 90 is no castor, 89 is 1 degree etc. The image below shows 3.4 degrees of castor. (90 minus 86.6 = 3.4)
If you dont have a digital angle finder but have the vehicle on flat ground and the diff is similar to the height it would be with a wheel on you can also use a string line from the top hole down to the toothed indicator, each tooth is 1 degree.